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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 32618, 26 dez. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524472


Introdução:Em busca da estética e da função mastigatória,é cada vez mais crescente aprocurapor reabilitações implantossuportadas. O guia multifuncional surgepara orientar a disponibilidade óssea e contribuir no planejamento da instalação tridimensional dos implantes, seguindo os princípios do planejamento reverso.Objetivo:Descrever, por meio de um caso clínico, a possibilidade de obtenção de resultados de excelente previsibilidade em coroas unitárias implantossuportadas, por meio do uso de guias multifuncionais, no planejamento do início ao fim de tratamento.Relato decaso:Paciente A.M.F, 44 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à clínica de Prótese dentária do Departamento de Odontologia/UFRN com queixa de insatisfação da sua prótese removível e harmonia do sorriso. Ao exame clínico e radiográfico, observou-se ausência do elemento 12, apresentando um espaço interoclusal de 5mm e distância médio-distal de 7mm. Foi confeccionado o guia em resina acrílica, o qual foi preenchido o espaço desdentado com um dente de estoque. Em seguida, o dente deste guia teve seu centro perfurado com uma broca esférica para peça reta na região de cíngulo e com isso, preenchida com guta percha em bastão. Após isso, o paciente foi encaminhado para realizar uma tomografia computadorizada cone beam com o guia multifuncional em posição.As imagens obtidas permitiram o planejamento para instalação do implante, como inclinação e posicionamento favorável, bem como ausência de disponibilidade óssea na região. Além disso, o guia funcionou em outras etapas do tratamento da paciente, como na fase provisória.Conclusão:Os guias auxiliam em diversas fases do tratamento e permitem maior previsibilidade dos resultados em reabilitações protéticas unitárias implantossuportadas, apresentando-se como um dispositivo promissorpara ocorreto posicionamento do implante (AU).

Introduction:In search of esthetics and improved masticatory function, the demand for implant-supported rehabilitation is increasing. Multifunctional guides emerge to assess bone availability and help plan the three-dimensional installation of implants, following the principles of reverse planning. Objective:To describe, through a clinical case, the possibility of obtaining excellent predictability in implant-supported single crowns, through the use of multifunctional guides, inthe planning of a treatment from beginning to end. Case report:Patient A.M.F, 44 years old, female, came to the Prosthodontics clinic at the Department of Dentistry/UFRN complaining of dissatisfaction with her removable prosthesis and the harmony of her smile. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of element 12, with an interocclusal space of 5mm and a mid-distal distance of 7mm. The acrylic resin guide was made and the edentulous space was filled with a stock tooth. The center of theguide tooth was then drilled with a spherical straight-bit burr in the cingulum region and filled with gutta-percha stick. The patient was then referred for a cone beam computed tomography with the multifunctional guide in position. The images obtained allowed planning for implant installation, such as favorable inclination and positioning, as well as the absence of bone availability in the region. In addition, the guide was effective during other stages of the patient's treatment, such as the provisional phase.Conclusion:The guides assist in various phases of treatment and allow greater predictability of results in implant-supported single prosthetic rehabilitations, presenting themselves as a promising device for correct implant positioning (AU).

Introducción:En busca de estética y función masticatoria, la demanda de rehabilitaciones implantosoportadas es cada vez mayor. La guía multifuncional hasurgido para orientar la disponibilidad ósea y ayudar a planificar la instalación tridimensional de implantes, siguiendo los principios de la planificación inversa. Objetivo: Describir, a través de un caso clínico, la posibilidad de obtener una excelente predictibilidad en coronas unitarias implantosoportadas, mediante el uso de guías multifuncionales, en la planificación desde el início hasta el final del tratamiento. Informe de caso: Paciente A.M.F, 44 años, sexo femenino, compareció a la clínica de Prostodoncia del Departamento de Odontología/UFRN quejándose estar insatisfecha con su prótesis removible y con la armonía de su sonrisa. El examen clínico y radiográfico reveló la ausencia del elemento 12, con un espacio interoclusal de 5 mm y una distancia medio-distal de 7 mm. Se confeccionó una guía de resina acrílica y se rellenó el espacio edéntulo con un diente provisorio. A continuación, se perforó el centro del diente guía con una broca recta esférica en la región del cíngulo y se le rellenó con gutapercha en barra. Posteriormente, el paciente fue remitido a una tomografía computarizada cone beamcon la guía multifuncional en posición. Las imágenes obtenidas permitieron planificar la instalación del implante, como inclinación y posicionamiento favorables, así como la ausencia de disponibilidad ósea en la región. La guía también funcionó en otras fases del tratamiento del paciente, como en la fase provisional. Conclusión:Las guías ayudan en varias fases del tratamiento y permiten una mayor previsibilidadde los resultados en rehabilitaciones protésicas unitarias implantosoportadas, presentándose como un dispositivo prometedor para el correcto posicionamiento de los implantes (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication/physiology , Mouth Rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant Loading
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1288-1296, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521049


El propósito de este estudio fue analizar el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura dental sana de un primer premolar inferior humano sometido a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales en diferentes direcciones. Se buscó comprender, bajo las variables contempladas, las zonas de concentración de esfuerzos que conllevan al daño estructural de sus constituyentes y tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó el modelo 3D de la reconstrucción de un archivo TAC de un primer premolar inferior, que incluyó esmalte, dentina, ligamento periodontal y hueso alveolar considerando tres variables: dirección, magnitud y área de la fuerza aplicada. La dirección fue dirigida en tres vectores (vertical, tangencial y horizontal) bajo cuatro magnitudes, una funcional de 35 N y tres disfuncionales de 170, 310 y 445 N, aplicadas sobre un área de la cara oclusal y/o vestibular del premolar que involucró tres contactos estabilizadores (A, B y C) y dos paradores de cierre. Los resultados obtenidos explican el fenómeno de combinar tres vectores, cuatro magnitudes y un área de aplicación de la fuerza, donde los valores de esfuerzo efectivo equivalente Von Mises muestran valores máximos a partir de los 60 MPa. Los valores de tensión máximos se localizan, bajo la carga horizontal a 170 N y en el proceso masticatorio en la zona cervical, cuando la fuerza pasa del 60 %. Sobre la base de los hallazgos de este estudio, se puede concluir que la reacción de los tejidos a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales varía de acuerdo con la magnitud, dirección y área de aplicación de la fuerza. Los valores de tensión resultan ser más altos bajo la aplicación de fuerzas disfuncionales tanto en magnitud como en dirección, produciendo esfuerzos tensiles significativos para la estructura dental y periodontal cervical, mientras que, bajo las cargas funcionales aplicadas en cualquier dirección, no se generan esfuerzos lesivos. Esto supone el reconocimiento del poder de detrimento estructural del diente y periodonto frente al bruxismo céntrico y excéntrico.

SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical behavior of the healthy dental structure of a human mandibular first premolar subjected to functional and dysfunctional forces in different directions. It was sought to understand, under the contemplated variables, the areas of stress concentration that lead to structural damage of its constituents and adjacent tissues. The 3D model of the reconstruction of a CT file of a lower first premolar was made, which included enamel, dentin, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone considering three variables: direction, magnitude and area of the applied force. The direction was directed in three vectors (vertical, tangential and horizontal) under four magnitudes, one functional of 35 N and three dysfunctional of 170, 310 and 445 N, applied to an area of the occlusal and/or buccal face of the premolar that involved three stabilizing contacts (A, B and C) and two closing stops. The results obtained explain the phenomenon of combining three vectors, four magnitudes and an area of force application, where the values of effective equivalent Von Mises stress show maximum values from 60 MPa. The maximum tension values are located under the horizontal load at 170 N and in the masticatory process in the cervical area, when the force exceeds 60%. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the reaction of tissues to functional and dysfunctional forces varies according to the magnitude, direction, and area of application of the force. The stress values turn out to be higher under the application of dysfunctional forces both in magnitude and in direction, producing significant tensile stresses for the dental and cervical periodontal structure, while under functional loads applied in any direction, no damaging stresses are generated. This supposes the recognition of the power of structural detriment of the tooth and periodontium against centric and eccentric bruxism.

Humans , Bicuspid/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Finite Element Analysis , Tooth/physiology , Bite Force , Bruxism/physiopathology , Elastic Modulus , Tooth Wear , Mastication/physiology
Rev. ADM ; 80(1): 11-17, ene.-feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510437


Introducción: el reemplazo de dientes perdidos aspira a mejorar la función masticatoria. Aunque hay diferentes opciones para ello, la conveniencia de la prótesis parcial removible (PPR) es su bajo costo. Objetivo: comparar el desempeño masticatorio (DM) después de 20 ciclos masticatorios y al umbral de la deglución (UD) en adultos de 50 a 70 años con dientes posteriores perdidos (DPP), con/sin PPR; y los ciclos hasta la deglución. Material y métodos: estudio transversal en 35 adultos con dientes anteriores y PPR bien ajustadas y utilizadas para comer. El lado de prueba fue el lado con más DPP. El DM se evaluó después de 20 ciclos y al UD utilizando un alimento prueba artificial (Optosil Comfort®) con/sin la PPR en orden aleatorizado. Las partículas se tamizaron para determinar el tamaño medio de partícula (TMP) como medida del DM. Los ciclos se contaron visualmente. Estadística descriptiva y comparaciones con SPSS-v23. Resultados: hubo diferencias significativas (p ≤ 0.05) al masticar con/sin PPR. El TMP fue más pequeño (mejor DM) con la PPR después de 20 ciclos y al UD (3.9 vs 4.4 mm y 3.2 vs 4.2 mm). Los ciclos para llegar al UD disminuyeron con la PPR (40 vs 47). Conclusión: a pesar de una mejora limitada de la función masticatoria, las PPR ayudan a preparar los alimentos en partículas más pequeñas antes de deglutirlas. La mejoría en DM con PPR es de 24% al UD, realizando menos ciclos antes de deglutir sus alimentos (AU)

Introduction: replacement of missing teeth should improve masticatory function. Although there are different options removable partial dentures (RPD) are used due to their lower cost. Objective: to compare masticatory performance (MP) after 20 chewing-cycles and swallowing-threshold (ST) in 50-70 year-old adults with missing posterior teeth (MPT) with and without their cast-metal RPD; chewing cycles until swallowing were also compared. Material and methods: 35 adults participated in this cross-sectional study. Subjects with anterior teeth and welladjusted RPDs, used for eating were included. The side with more MPT was selected as the test side. MP was evaluated after 20 cycles and ST using an artificial test-food (Optosil Comfort®) with/without the RPD (subject-own-control) (randomized order). Chewed particles were sieved to determine medium-particle-size (MPS) as a measure of MP. Chewing cycles were visually counted. Descriptive statistics and comparisons were run with SPSS v23. Results: there were significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) for all parameters when chewing with/without the RPD. MPS was smaller (better MP) with the RPD (3.9 vs 4.4 mm and 3.2 vs 4.2 mm) after 20 cycles and ST respectively. Cycles required to reach ST were less when chewing with the denture (40 vs 47). Conclusion: despite a limited improvement of masticatory function RPDs help patients prepare their food into smaller particles before swallowing. Improvement in MP with RPDs for patients with MPT is 24% at ST and they perform fewer chewing cycles before swallowing food (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Tooth Loss/rehabilitation , Mastication/physiology
Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences ; (6): 386-397, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982056


Chewing-side preference is one of the risk factors for temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and people with chewing-side preference is more prone to have short and displaced condyles, increased articular eminence inclination and glenoid fossa depth. The proportion of TMD patients with chewing-side preference is often higher than that of the normal subjects. Clinical studies have shown a strong correlation between chewing-side preference and TMD symptoms and signs; and animal studies have shown that chewing-side preference can affect the growth, development, damage and repair of the mandible. After long-term unilateral mastication, changes in the stress within the joint cause the imbalance of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) structural reconstruction, the transformation and even destruction of the fiber structure of masticatory muscle, resulting in uncoordinated movement of bilateral muscles. The joint neurogenic diseases caused by the increase of neuropeptide substance P and calcitonin-gene-related-peptide (CGRP) released locally by TMJ may be the mechanism of TMD. This article reviews the research progress of the influence of chewing-side preference on the structure of TMJ, the relationship between chewing-side preference and TMD, and the related mechanisms.

Humans , Mastication/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/etiology , Mandible/physiology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-10, jun. 30, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427370


Introduction: The objective of this study was to explore the electrical activity of the superficial muscles of mastication required to exert unilateral maximum bite force in subjects with different body mass index. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with a sample of 21 participants with an average age of 22.9 ± 3.5 years who were classified according to their body mass index, forming three study groups: normal weight (18.5-24.9), overweight (25-29.9) and obesity (≥30), with seven participants each. Through surface electromyography, the superficial muscles of mastication during right and left maximum bite force were evaluated. Results: No statistically significant differences in the maximum bite force were observed between the study groups. The data obtained from the electromyographic analysis of the superficial muscles of mastication demonstrate a trend indicating that subjects with a normal body mass index similarly activate the muscles on each side when performing a maximum bite force on a particular side, while overweight or obese subjects demonstrated significantly greater activation of the temporalis muscle associated with the side where the maximal bite force is performed. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the maximum bite force is not influenced by body mass index and that during the performance of a maximum bite force subjects with increased body mass index present a greater activation of the temporalis muscle associated with the side where the maximum bite force was performed.

Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la actividad eléctrica de los músculos superficiales de la masticación, necesarios para ejercer la máxima fuerza de mordida unilateral, en sujetos con diferente índice de masa corporal. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 21 participantes con una edad promedio de 22.9 ± 3.5 años, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su índice de masa corporal, formando tres grupos de estudio: peso normal (18,5-24,9), sobrepeso (25,0-29,9) y obesidad (≥30.0), con siete participantes cada uno. La electromiografía de superficie evaluó los músculos superficiales de la masticación durante la fuerza de mordida máxima derecha e izquierda. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la fuerza de mordida máxima entre los grupos de estudio. Los datos obtenidos del análisis electromiográfico de los músculos superficiales de la masticación demuestran una tendencia que indica que los sujetos con un índice de masa corporal normal activan de manera similar los músculos de cada lado cuando ejercen la fuerza de mordida máxima en un lado en particular. mientras que los sujetos con sobrepeso u obesos demostraron una activación significativamente mayor del músculo temporal asociado con el lado donde se realiza la fuerza máxima de mordida. Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la fuerza de mordida máxima no está influenciada por el índice de masa corporal y que durante la realización de una fuerza de mordida máxima los sujetos con índice de masa corporal aumentado presentan una mayor activación del músculo temporal asociado al lado donde se realizó la fuerza de mordida máxima.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Bite Force , Body Weight/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Masticatory Muscles/physiology , Temporal Muscle , Body Mass Index , Electromyography/methods
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-11, may. 11, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399662


Introduction: Chewing is a learned orofacial function, important in the nutrition process of most mammals. It has been described that it can vary according to the characteristics of the individuals and the characteristics of the food. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic characteristics of mastication in subjects with different body mass index (BMI), including foods of different hardness in the analysis. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The mastication of 3.7 g of peanut (soft food) and 3.7 g of carrot (hard food) was compared among three study groups formed according to BMI: normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and obese (BMI ≥30); each with 7 participants. The kinematics of the masticatory movement were assessed with a 3D Electromagnetic Articulograph, the characteristics analyzed were number of masticatory cycles, masticatory frequency, speed and area of the cycles. Results: No significant differences were noted among the study groups for the number of masticatory cycles, frequency or speed in the two foods studied. It was observed that when chewing carrot, the horizontal area of the masticatory cycles was significantly larger in the obese than in the overweight group. However, when chewing peanuts, this parameter did not present significant differences among the different groups. A comparison of the characteristics of mastication of the two foods revealed that the carrot chewing presented a significantly greater masticatory frequency and speed than the peanut chewing. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that food hardness influences the kinematic characteristics of mastication more than BMI, noting that hard foods are masticated faster and more frequently than soft foods and that masticatory frequency tends to increase with BMI.

Introduction: Chewing is a learned orofacial function, important in the nutrition process of most mammals. It has been described that it can vary according to the characteristics of the individuals and the characteristics of the food. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic cha-racteristics of mastication in subjects with different body mass index (BMI), including foods of different hardness in the analysis. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was con- ducted. The mastication of 3.7 g of peanut (soft food) and 3.7 g of carrot (hard food) was compared among three study groups formed according to BMI: normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and obese (BMI ?30); each with 7 participants. The kinematics of the masticatory movement were assessed with a 3D Electromagnetic Articulograph, the characteristics analyzed were number of masticatory cycles, masticatory frequency, speed and area of the cycles. Results: No significant differences were noted among the study groups for the number of masticatory cycles, frequency or speed in the two foods studied. It was observed that when chewing carrot, the horizontal area of the masticatory cycles was significantly larger in the obese than in the overweight group. However, when chewing peanuts, this parameter did not present significant differences among the different groups. A comparison of the characteristics of mastication of the two foods revealed that the carrot chewing presented a significantly greater masticatory frequency and speed than the peanut chewing. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that food hardness influences the kinematic characteristics of mastication more than BMI, noting that hard foods are masticated faster and more frequently than soft foods and that masticatory frequency tends to increase with BMI.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Body Weight/physiology , Body Mass Index , Mastication/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Overweight/physiopathology , Food , Obesity/physiopathology
Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 935-940, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385402


RESUMEN: Diversos estudios reportan que el tipo de alimento influye directamente en los patrones cinemáticos de la masticación. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar los ciclos masticatorios de participantes adultos y completamente dentados durante la masticación de alimentos de diferente textura y dureza (maní y zanahoria) utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D. Se evaluaron 11 participantes sanos (5 hombres; 6 mujeres), de 31,9 ± 5,2 años de edad. Mediante articulografía electromagnética 3D, se registró la masticación de dos alimentos de prueba (maní y zanahoria). Los datos de movimiento mandibular fueron procesados con MATLAB® y obteniendo diferentes parámetros-frecuencia masticatoria en ciclos por segundo, velocidad de descenso y ascenso mandibular, área de las proyecciones de cada ciclo masticatorio en los tres planos del espacio-que fueron comparados según tipo de alimento y género de los participantes. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas de los ciclos masticatorios en el plano horizontal según tipo de alimento, siendo mayor para la masticación de zanahoria (P=,003). Así mismo, se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas sagitales de los ciclos entre hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en mujeres (P=,042). Nuestros resultados concuerdan con otros estudios que afirman que la textura del alimento influye en las características cinemáticas de los ciclos masticatorios.

SUMMARY: Several studies report that the type of food directly influences the kinematic patterns of mastication. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the chewing cycles of adult and fully dentate participants during the mastication of foods of different texture and hardness (peanuts and carrots) using 3D electromagnetic articulography. Eleven healthy participants (5 men; 6 women), 31.9 ± 5.2 years old, were evaluated. By means of 3D electromagnetic articulography, the mastication of two test foods (peanuts and carrots) was recorded. The data associated to mandibular movement were processed with MATLAB® obtaining different parameters-masticatory frequency in cycles per second, mandibular descent and ascent rate, area of the projections of each masticatory cycle in the three planes of space-which were compared according to type of food and sex of the participants. Statistically significant differences were found between the areas of the masticatory cycles in the horizontal plane according to type of food, being greater for carrots (P=.003). Likewise, statistically significant differences were detected between the sagittal areas of the cycles between men and women, being greater in women (P=.042). Our results agree with other studies that affirm that the texture of the food influences the kinematic characteristics of the masticatory cycles.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hardness , Mastication/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Distúrb. comun ; 33(2): 204-212, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400829


Introdução: A Paralisia Cerebral pode acarretar alterações em qualquer uma das fases da deglutição, causando uma disfagia neurogênica. No entanto, desordem neurológica e deficiência visual associada é um tema pouco estudado. A criança com a ausência do canal visual, geralmente tem pouca noção na estrutura do espaço e até mesmo em relação à sua estrutura corporal e organizacional. É sabido que a Paralisia Cerebral discorre atrasos no padrão mastigatório e da deglutição, mas questiona-se se a deficiência visual pode interferir ou não neste desempenho. Objetivo: O propósito deste estudo foi analisar as funções de mastigação e o tempo de deglutição em criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência visual associada. Método: Esta pesquisa é de natureza exploratória e descritiva, desenvolvida por meio de um estudo de caso clínico de uma criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência visual associada. Três consistências de alimento foram examinadas: líquido (suco), pastosa (iogurte) e sólido (pão), sendo cronometrado o tempo gasto para deglutir cada uma delas, durante o horário normal de alimentação. Resultados: os resultados mostraram que a criança com Paralisia Cerebral e Deficiência Visual apresenta dificuldades na função de mastigação e leva mais tempo para deglutir nas consistências sólida e líquida. Conclusão: A deficiência visual associada à paralisia cerebral pode acentuar na dificuldade das funções de mastigação e deglutição.

Introduction: Cerebral Palsy can cause changes in any of the phases of swallowing, causing neurogenic dysphagia. However, neurological disorder and associated visual impairment is a poorly studied topic. The child with the absence of the visual channel, generally has little idea of the structure of the space and even of its body and organizational structure. It is known that Cerebral Palsy has delays in chewing and swallowing patterns, but it is questioned whether visual impairment can interfere or not in this performance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze chewing functions and swallowing time in children with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Method: This research is exploratory and descriptive in nature, developed through a clinical case study of a child with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Three food consistencies were examined: liquid (juice), pasty (yogurt) and solid (bread), with the time spent swallowing each of them during the normal feeding time being timed. Results: the results showed that the child with Cerebral Palsy and Visually Impaired presents difficulties in chewing function and takes more time to swallow in solid and liquid consistencies. Conclusion: Visual impairment associated with cerebral palsy may accentuate the difficulty in chewing and swallowing functions.

Introducción: La parálisis cerebral puede provocar cambios en cualquiera de las fases de la deglución, provocando disfagia neurogénica. Sin embargo, el trastorno neurológico y la discapacidad visual asociada es un tema poco estudiado. El niño con ausencia del canal visual, generalmente tiene poca idea de la estructura del espacio e incluso de su cuerpo y estructura organizativa. Se sabe que la parálisis cerebral tiene retrasos en los patrones de masticación y deglución, pero se cuestiona si la discapacidad visual puede interferir o no en este desempeño. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las funciones de masticación y el tiempo de deglución en niños con parálisis cerebral y discapacidad visual asociada. Método: Esta investigación es de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva, desarrollada a través de un estudio de caso clínico de un niño con parálisis cerebral y discapacidad visual asociada. Se examinaron tres consistencias de alimentos: líquido (jugo), pastoso (yogur) y sólido (pan), y se pasó el tiempo de deglución de cada uno de ellos durante el tiempo normal de alimentación. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el niño con parálisis cerebral y deficiencia visual tiene dificultades en la función de masticación y toma más tiempo para tragar en forma sólida y líquida. Conclusión: la discapacidad visual asociada con la parálisis cerebral puede acentuar la dificultad en las funciones de masticación y deglución.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Vision Disorders/complications , Deglutition/physiology , Mastication/physiology
Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 11(1): 42-58, 2021. tab, ilus, ilus, ilus, ilus, ilus
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1128590


Objetivo: desarrollar y aplicar un manual para evaluar los procesos de deglución y rendimiento masticatorio, dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de odontología. Método: se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, a partir de dos técnicas de recolección de información: documental para reunir información de los procedimientos y observacional para la aplicación del manual. Los métodos seleccionados fueron el rendimiento masticatorio (Albert T) y de deglución (Técnica Payne); el diseño se esbozó según la metodología para mejorar la calidad de los procesos y una guía técnica de elaboración de manuales de procedimientos en salud. Así, el manual cuenta con introducción, antecedentes históricos, alcance y objetivo, flujograma, descripción de procedimientos de evaluación de la deglución, del rendimiento masticatorio y bibliografía. Este fue aplicado en 27 pacientes de la clínica de ortodoncia, a quienes se les diagnosticó deglución atípica, y se midió el rendimiento masticatorio para conocer la mediana de tamaño de partícula (MTP) de cada individuo. Resultados: el manual se realizó basándose en dos procedimientos, uno con el diagnóstico de deglución y otro con rendimiento masticatorio. Este último fue aplicado por dos estudiantes investigadores a una muestra de 27 pacientes, cuyo resultado fue una mediana de tamaño total de partícula de MTP = 5.35 mm2. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre sexos (MTP en hombres: 6,0 mm2 y mujeres 5.1 mm2) siendo las mujeres quienes presentaron mejor desempeño masticatorio. Conclusión: al aplicar el manual, los estudiantes evaluaron el rendimiento masticatorio y la deglución, con lo cual lograron resultados medibles, aplicables y reproducibles.

Objective: To apply a manual to evaluate swallowing and chewing performance aimed at dental students and professionals. Method: A study was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach developing two information gathering techniques: documentary to gather information on procedures and observational in the application of the manual. The methods of chewing performance (Albert T) and swallowing (Payne Technique) were selected; the design was outlined according to the methodology to improve the quality of the processes and a technical guide for the elaboration of manuals of health procedures; in the development phase, the thematic units were created and the manual was prepared with: cover, back cover, authors, introduction, historical background, scope and objective, flow chart, description of swallowing evaluation procedures, chewing performance and bibliography; this was applied to 27 patients from the orthodontic clinic, who were diagnosed with atypical swallowing, and the masticatory performance was measured to determine the median particle size (MTP) of each individual evaluated. Results: The manual was made based on two procedures, one with swallowing diagnosis and the other with masticatory performance, which was applied by two student researchers to a sample of 27 patients, yielding a median total particle size of MTP = 5.35 mm2. There was a statistically significant difference between the sexes (MTP in men: 6.0 mm2 and women 5.1 mm2), with women presenting the best masticatory performance Conclusion: when applying the manual, the students evaluated the chewing performance and swallowing, achieving measurable, applicable and reproducible.

Humans , Deglutition/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Reference Standards , Students, Dental , Methodology as a Subject , Malocclusion , Mastication
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1346680


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the influence of tooth loss and the use of removable dentures on chewing function and nutritional status of institutionalized elders. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study with 155 elders from seven long-stay institutions in João Pessoa, Brazil. The participants were classified according to the presence of reminiscent teeth and use of dentures in four levels: toothless, without denture (1); toothless with a complete denture (2); partial toothless without denture (3) and partial toothless with a partial denture (4). Nutritional status was assessed using the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) instrument and the Body Mass Index (BMI). Swallowing threshold was used for the assessment of masticatory function, using a portion of roasted peanuts (3.7 g). Comparisons among groups were performed using Kruskal-Wallis test with Bonferroni adjustment, considering p<0.05. Results: MNA (p=0.702) and BMI (p=0.884) were not modified in relation to the presence of teeth and denture use. Toothless individuals without dentures had a lower swallowing threshold (p<0.001), whilst partial toothless with dentures had better masticatory function (p>0.05). Conclusion: The presence of reminiscent teeth and the use of dentures do not influence the nutritional status of the elders but interfere with the masticatory function. Prosthetic rehabilitation is desirable for complete toothless individuals.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Brazil , Nutritional Status , Denture, Complete , Denture, Partial, Removable , Homes for the Aged , Mastication/physiology , Aged , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Mouth, Edentulous , Statistics, Nonparametric
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 34: e190201, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155459


ABSTRACT Studies have shown that changes in mastication are related to overweight in children and adolescents as these changes influence the increase in food consumption. The objective of this article was to characterize, through a systematic review, the mastication in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity. For this, two independent authors performed a systematic review of the electronic databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health, Web of Science and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences. Masticatory characteristics were considered as primary outcomes; the methods of analyzing mastication, the physical characteristics of the foods/materials used in the analyses and the fasting time were considered as secondary outcomes. This review was prepared in accordance with the items of the preferential reports for systematic analysis and meta-analysis. The systematic review protocol was submitted to the International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews. Nine articles were included in this review. The reviewed articles suggest that children and/or adolescents with overweight or obese present masticatory damages because they have worse masticatory performance and altered orofacial myofunctional characteristics.

RESUMO Estudos têm demonstrado que alterações na mastigação estão relacionadas ao excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes, o que pode levar ao aumento do consumo alimentar. O objetivo deste artigo foi caracterizar, através de uma revisão sistemática, a mastigação em crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade. Para isso, dois autores independentes realizaram uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados eletrônicas Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health, Web of Science e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde. As características mastigatórias foram consideradas desfechos primários; os métodos de análise da mastigação, as características físicas dos alimentos/materiais utilizados nas análises e o tempo de jejum foram classificados como desfechos secundários. Esta revisão foi elaborada de acordo com os itens dos relatórios preferenciais para análise sistemática e metanálises. O protocolo de revisão sistemática foi submetido ao Registro Internacional Prospectivo de Revisões Sistemáticas. Nove artigos foram incluídos nesta revisão. Os resultados dos artigos revisados sugerem que crianças e/ou adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade apresentam danos mastigatórios, pois possuem pior performance mastigatória e características miofuncionais orofaciais alteradas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Stomatognathic System/physiology , Child , Adolescent , Overweight , Mastication/physiology , Obesity
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 420-428, 20201231.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357825


Na atualidade, com as frequentes inovações tecnológicas agregadas aos telefones celulares favorecendoseu uso excessivo, altos níveis de estresse e o ritmo acelerado da vida, inconscientemente, as pessoas têmadotado novas e diferentes posturas corporais, que direta ou indiretamente interferem na posição da colunavertebral. Um importante músculo postural do pescoço é o esternocleidomastoideo, cuja relevante função éa de estabilizar. Objetivo: analisar a possível relação entre os músculos masseter e esternocleidomastoideo,em diferentes posições da cabeça e da coluna cervical, nas situações de mastigação, repouso e máximaintercuspidação habitual. Metodologia: os dados foram coletados inicialmente com cabeça e coluna eretas,em repouso e em máxima intercuspidação habitual. Em seguida, coletou-se, sempre em mastigação, com acabeça e a coluna eretas, inclinadas para frente, para trás, para direita, para esquerda, giradas para direita epara esquerda. Todos os momentos de coleta de dados ocorreram por 5 segundos em cada posição. Resultados:nota-se um aumento na atividade elétrica do músculo esternocleidomastoideo quando a mastigaçãoacontece com a cabeça e a coluna fora da posição ereta. Em algumas posições da cabeça, esse aumento, emvalores absolutos, não é observado de forma relevante no sexo feminino, sendo notado no masculino. Conclusões:existe uma relação de trabalho entre os músculos masseter e esternocleidomastoideo. Essa relaçãosugere que o segundo músculo trabalha na tentativa de estabilizar a cabeça para otimizar o ato mastigatório,ação essa notadamente encontrada no sexo masculino e de forma menos ativa no sexo feminino.(AU)

Nowadays, with the frequent technological innovations added to cell phones favoring their excessive use, high levels of stress and the fast pace of life, people have unconsciously adopted new and different body postures that directly or indirectly interfere in the position of the spine. An important postural muscle of the neck is the sternocleidomastoid, whose important function is to stabilize it. Objective: to analyze the possible relationship between the masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscles, in different positions of the head and cervical spine, in situations of chewing, resting and maximum habitual intercuspation. Methodology: data were collected initially with head and spine erect, at rest and at maximum habitual intercuspation. Then, it was collected, always chewing, with the head and column erect, tilted forward, backward, right, left, turned to the right and turned to the left. All moments of data collection occurred for 5 seconds in each position. Results: An increase in the electrical activity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is observed when chewing occurs with the head and spine out of the upright position. In some positions of the head this increase, in absolute values, is not observed in a relevant way in the female sex, being noticed in the male. Conclusions: there is a working relationship between the masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscles. This relationship suggests that the second muscle works in an attempt to stabilize the head to optimize the masticatory act, an action that is notably found in men and less actively in women.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Posture/physiology , Spine/physiology , Masseter Muscle/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Neck Muscles/physiology , Reference Values , Sex Factors , Electromyography/methods
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 198-204, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090675


La masticación se ha estudiado desde diferentes puntos de vista, utilizando alimentos de prueba naturales y artificiales. La evidencia es escasa cuando se analizan alimentos a base de cereales, que van desde cereales para el desayuno hasta barras de granola. El investigar este tipo de alimentos, se vuelve importante para entender el comportamiento de la masticación frente a alimentos con diferentes composiciones y texturas, y como estas características pueden influir en el proceso masticatorio. Se analizó la masticación desde un punto de vista cinemático, en sujetos jóvenes dentados. El alimento de prueba utilizado fue granola prototipo y maní, este último se ha estudiado en sujetos con rehabilitación protésica y su consumo se recomienda en esta población. Se analizaron las características cinemáticas de la masticación como numero de ciclos, frecuencia masticatoria, velocidad de masticación de ascenso y descenso, y el área de masticación en los tres planos del espacio. Se relacionaron los movimientos masticatorios con los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes que conformaron el polígono de Posselt, este también se analizó en los tres planos espaciales. En todas las variables analizadas la granola presento valores mayores, excepto en el número de ciclos masticatorios, sólo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p= 0,03) al comparar la velocidad (ascenso y descenso) y el área de masticación en el plano horizontal.

Chewing has been studied from different points of view, using natural and artificial foods test. When analyzing cereal-based foods, from breakfast cereals to granola bars, the evidence is scarce. Investigate this type of food is important to understand the behavior of chewing, with foods of different compositions and textures, and how these characteristics can influence the chewing process. Chewing was analyzed from a cinematic point of view, in young subjects complete dental. The test food used was prototype granola and peanuts, last one has been studied in subjects with prosthetic rehabilitation and its consumption is recommended in this population. The kinematic characteristics of chewing were analyzed: number of cycles, chewing frequency, ascent and descent chewing speed, and the chewing area in the three planes of space. The masticatory movements were related to the bordering mandibular movements, that formed the Posselt polygon, which was also analyzed in the three spatial planes. In all the variables analyzed, granola showed higher values, except in the number of chewing cycles, only statistically significant differences (p = 0.03) were found when comparing speed (ascent and descent) and the chewing area in the horizontal plane.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Biomechanical Phenomena , Mandible/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Arachis , Edible Grain , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(1): e2175, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126483


RESUMO Introdução: O uso de próteses totais tem impacto na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal e os idosos são uma parcela da população a ser pesquisada sob essa perspectiva. Objetivo: Avaliar a autopercepção do impacto do uso de próteses totais na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal de idosos institucionalizados. Métodos: Participaram 20 idosos do Lar dos Idosos Recanto do Tarumã, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Foram avaliados aspectos demográficos, econômicos, de hábitos e clínicos, juntamente com aplicação do questionário Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e bivariada (Teste do Qui-Quadrado), com significância de 5 porcento. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 75,2 anos (DP= 8,8) e o tempo médio de uso de prótese foi de 27,9 anos (DP= 18,5). Renda inferior a um salário mínimo foi indicada por 80,0 porcento, e visitas ao cirurgião-dentista pela última vez há mais de um ano, por 70,0 porcento. Os piores relatos foram referentes à mastigação, representados por problemas para mastigar alimentos e desconforto ao comer, com 25 porcento de respostas positivas em cada questão; a soma das frequências das respostas "às vezes" e "sempre" quanto à insatisfação ou à infelicidade com a aparência da boca foi reportada 60 porcento dos pesquisados. A retenção insatisfatória da prótese inferior se deu em 50,0 porcento casos, enquanto os problemas com oclusão estiveram presentes também em metade da amostra. Os defeitos estiveram presentes em 70,0 porcento das próteses superiores e 45,0 porcento das inferiores. Não foi encontrada associação significativa (p> 0,05) entre as variáveis independentes e o desfecho. Conclusões: Os idosos avaliados, independentemente das condições das próteses totais, relataram qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal satisfatória(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: El uso de prótesis totales tiene un impacto en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal, y los ancianos son parte de la población que se investigará desde esta perspectiva. Objetivo: Evaluar la autopercepción del impacto del uso de prótesis totales en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal de ancianos institucionalizados. Métodos: Participaron 20 ancianos de "Lar dos Idosos Recanto do Tarumã", Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Los aspectos demográficos, económicos, de hábitos y clínicos se evaluaron junto con la aplicación del cuestionario Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index. Los datos fueron sometidos a análisis descriptivo y bivariado (prueba de chi cuadrado), con significación del 5 por ciento. Resultados: La edad media fue de 75,2 años (DE= 8,8) y el tiempo medio de uso de la prótesis fue de 27,9 años (DE= 18,5). Los ingresos menores a un salario mínimo se indicaron en el 80,0 por ciento, y las visitas al cirujano dental la última vez, hace más de un año, en el 70, 0 por ciento. Los peores informes estaban relacionados con la masticación, representados por problemas para masticar los alimentos y la incomodidad al comer, con el 25 por ciento de respuestas positivas en cada pregunta. La suma de las frecuencias de las respuestas "a veces" y "siempre" sobre la insatisfacción o la infelicidad con la apariencia de la boca se informó en el 60 por ciento de los encuestados. La retención insatisfactoria de la prótesis inferior se produjo en el 50 por ciento de los casos, mientras que la oclusión también presentó problemas en la mitad de la muestra. Los defectos estuvieron presentes en el 70,0 por ciento de las prótesis superiores y en el 45,0 por ciento de las inferiores. No se encontró asociación significativa (p> 0,05) entre las variables independientes y el desenlace. Conclusiones: Los ancianos evaluados, independientemente de las condiciones de las prótesis totales, informaron una calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal satisfactoria(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of complete dentures has an impact on oral health-related quality of life. Elderly people are the population sector to be researched into from this perspective. Objective: Evaluate the self-perception of the impact of the use of complete dentures on the oral health-related quality of life of institutionalized elderly people. Methods: The study sample was 20 elderly people from Lar dos Idosos Recanto do Tarumã, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Evaluation of demographic and economic details, habits and clinical aspects was based on the information collected with the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index questionnaire. The data were subjected to descriptive and bivariate analysis (Chi-squared test), with a significance of 5 percent. Results: Mean age was 75.2 (SD = 8.8) years and mean time of denture use was 27.9 (SD = 18.5) years. Income was below minimum wage in 80.0 percent of the participants, whereas the last visit to the dentist had occurred more than a year ago in 70.0 percent. The worst reports had to do with chewing, represented by problems to chew food and discomfort when eating, with 25 percent positive answers to each question. The sum of the frequencies of the answers "sometimes" and "always" about dissatisfaction with or unhappiness about the appearance of the mouth was reported by 60 percent of the respondents. Unsatisfactory retention of the lower denture occurred in 50.0 percent of the cases, whereas occlusion problems were present in half of the sample. Defects were present in 70.0 percent of the upper dentures and 45.0 percent of the lower dentures. No significant association (p> 0.05) was found between independent variables and outcome. Conclusions: The elderly people evaluated, regardless of the conditions of their complete dentures, reported satisfactory oral health-related quality of life(AU)

Humans , Aged , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Oral Health , Denture, Complete/adverse effects , Mastication/physiology
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e059, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132697


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of malocclusion, nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits and dental caries in the masticatory function of preschool children. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 384 children aged 3-5 years. A single examiner calibrated for oral clinical examinations performed all the evaluations (kappa > 0.82). Presence of malocclusion was recorded using Foster and Hamilton criteria. The number of masticatory units and of posterior teeth cavitated by dental caries was also recorded. The parents answered a questionnaire in the form of an interview, addressing questions about the child's nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits. The masticatory function was evaluated using Optocal test material, and was based on the median particle size in the masticatory performance, on the swallowing threshold, and on the number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold. Data analysis involved simple and multiple linear regression analyses, and the confidence level adopted was 95%. The sample consisted of 206 children in the malocclusion group and 178 in the non-malocclusion group. In the multiple regression analysis, the masticatory performance was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.004), presence of malocclusion (p = 0.048) and number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.030). The swallowing threshold was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.001) and posterior malocclusion (p = 0.017). The number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold was associated with the number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.001). In conclusion, posterior malocclusion, bottle feeding and dental caries may interfere in the masticatory function of preschool children.

Humans , Male , Female , Sucking Behavior/physiology , Deglutition/physiology , Dental Caries/physiopathology , Malocclusion/physiopathology , Mastication/physiology , Particle Size , Reference Values , Bottle Feeding , Breast Feeding , Linear Models , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Fingersucking
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 317-321, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040028


Abstract Introduction Chewing and swallowing are physiologically interconnected functions, which share motor structures and supranuclear regions of the central nervous system (CNS), involving a sensorimotor synchrony. Objective To analyze the influence of masticatory behavior on muscular compensations in the oral phase of swallowing in smokers compared with nonsmokers. Methods A cross-sectional study comparing smokers and nonsmokers composed of 24 participants in each group. The aspects of food crunching, masticatory pattern, masticatory speed, atypical muscular contractions, and lip closure were analyzed during mastication. In swallowing, aspects of contraction of the orbicular and mental muscles, head movement and presence of deglutition, mastication, smoking, and of stomatognathic system of residues after swallowing were characterized. Results Statistically significant differences were identified between the study groups related to food grinding pattern, masticatory velocity, and mental contraction during swallowing. There was no significant association between masticatory function and compensations during swallowing. Conclusion Differences were observed in the pattern of chewing and swallowing in smokers compared with nonsmokers, but no influence of masticatory performance was observed in the presence of muscle compensations during the oral phase of swallowing.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Masticatory Muscles/physiology , Stomatognathic System/physiology , Comparative Study , Cross-Sectional Studies , Smokers , Muscle Contraction/physiology
RFO UPF ; 24(2): 263-272, maio/ago. 2 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1049620


Em situações de acidente, os traumas faciais têm ocupado lugar de destaque, e as fraturas mandibulares compreendem o maior percentual de injúrias tratadas pelos cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais. Intervenções fisioterapêuticas vêm sendo somadas à reabilitação pós-operatória, otimizando a atividade muscular pós-trauma, colaborando na recuperação das funções mastigatórias, de fonação, deglutição e posturais. Objetivo: o presente estudo objetivou comparar a evolução longitudinal da atividade elétrica do músculo masseter por meio de exame eletromiográfico em um indivíduo politraumatizado submetido à fisioterapia e outro com fratura de mandíbula sem tratamento fisioterapêutico. Sujeitos e método: para tal pesquisa, analisou-se um voluntário politraumatizado submetido a tratamento fisioterapêutico, um voluntário com fratura de mandíbula sem tratamento fisioterapêutico e três voluntários sem fraturas como grupo controle. Foi realizada uma primeira coleta de dados eletromiográficos nos primeiros dias após alta do serviço de cirurgia responsável pelo tratamento das fraturas e uma segunda coleta 60 dias após. No indivíduo submetido ao tratamento fisioterápico, realizou-se ainda uma terceira coleta após 90 dias. Resultados: o voluntário politraumatizado submetido ao tratamento fisioterapêutico, em 90 dias, obteve atividade elétrica do músculo masseter, semelhante ao grupo controle. Já o voluntário com fretura mandibular não submetido ao tratamento fisioterapêutico apresentou resultados semelhantes ao grupo controle após 60 dias de alta hospitalar. Considerações finais: conclui-se que a intervenção fisioterapêutica em pacientes politraumatizados é de grande relevância, devolvendo a condição muscular fisiológica de mastigação, no que tange à atividade elétrica, num prazo de até 90 dias, apresentando, além disso, vantagens na redução da sintomatologia desarmonizadora da função.(AU)

In cases of accident, facial trauma has stood out and mandibular fractures comprise the highest rate of injuries treated by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Physiotherapeutic interventions have been added to postoperative rehabilitation, optimizing post-trauma muscle activity, aiding the recovery of masticatory, phonation, swallowing, and postural functions. Objective: the present study aimed to compare the longitudinal evolution of the electrical activity of the masseter muscle through electromyographic examination in a polytraumatized individual subjected to physical therapy and another individual with mandibular fracture without physical therapy. Subjects and method: the study analyzed a polytraumatized volunteer subjected to physical therapy treatment, a volunteer with mandibular fracture without physical therapy treatment, and three volunteers without fractures as control group. A first electromyographic data collection was performed in the first days after the discharge from the surgery department responsible for the treatment of fractures, and a second collection occurred 60 days later. In the individual subjected to physiotherapeutic treatment, a third collection was performed 90 days later. Results: the polytraumatized volunteer subjected to the physiotherapeutic treatment obtained, in 90 days, electrical activity of the masseter muscle similar to the control group. The volunteer with mandibular fracture not subjected to physical therapy presented results similar to the control group 60 days after hospital discharge. Final considerations: it is concluded that the physiotherapeutic intervention in polytraumatized patients is of great relevance, returning the physiological muscular condition of chewing, regarding the electrical activity, within a period of up to 90 days, also presenting advantages in the reduction of the function disharmonizing symptomatology.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Physical Therapy Modalities , Electromyography/methods , Facial Injuries/rehabilitation , Masseter Muscle/physiopathology , Treatment Outcome , Muscle Strength/physiology , Mastication/physiology
CoDAS ; 31(3): e20180080, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011926


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a autopercepção das condições alimentares de idosos usuários de prótese dentária, verificando sua interferência na alimentação. Método Participaram 60 idosos com idade entre 60 e 88 anos, usuários de prótese dentária total ou parcial, que frequentam assiduamente o Centro de Convivência Nair Ventorin Gurgacz - FAG em Cascavel, Paraná. Todos os indivíduos responderam a um questionário de identificação e ao protocolo Índice de Determinação da Saúde Bucal Geriátrica (GOHAI). Resultados Os idosos do estudo, maioria mulheres e usuários de prótese removível bimaxilar com mais de 30 anos, classificam sua alimentação como "boa" e não possuem preferência por consistência alimentar, embora frequentemente sintam dor ao mastigar os alimentos. A média pontuada no protocolo GOHAI foi classificada como "ruim" e o maior prejuízo dos idosos ocorreu no domínio físico, que engloba questões relacionadas à mastigação, deglutição e fala. Não foram constatadas relações entre o tempo de utilização da prótese dentária com a idade e os escores do GOHAI. Conclusão Embora os idosos raramente tenham queixa sobre o modo de se alimentar, referindo desconforto ou constrangimento, apresentam uma média abaixo do esperado no protocolo, indicando que, ainda que não relatem, muitas modificações podem estar acontecendo, gradativamente, e que soam como naturais, gerando prejuízos à qualidade de vida em alimentação do idoso.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the self-perception of the food conditions of elderly users of dental prosthesis, in order to verify the interference that dental prosthesis has in their feeding. Methods The present study counted with 60 elderly, participants of the Centro de Convivência Nair Ventorin Gurgacz (Community Center), aged between 60 and 88 years old. All participants answered to a questionnaire elaborated by the researchers and the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Results The elderly who participated in this study, mostly women, used a bimaxillary removable prosthesis for over 30 years; although they classified their nutrition as "good" and did not present preference for specific food consistency, they frequently felt pain while chewing. The average score of the GOHAI was 29.73, considered "low", the index dimension with worst score was physical function, that includes eating, speaking and swallowing. No relation was observed between time of use of dental prosthesis, age and the GOHAI scores. Conclusion The elderly rarely complaint about discomfort or embarrassment on feeding, however, they present an average lower than expected in the GOHAI index, which indicates that, although they do not report it, many deteriorations, that seem to be natural may be happening and may be the cause of worst quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Self Concept , Dental Prosthesis/psychology , Eating/psychology , Quality of Life , Brazil , Geriatric Assessment , Oral Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Prosthesis/adverse effects , Dental Prosthesis/statistics & numerical data , Deglutition/physiology , Eating/physiology , Food , Mastication/physiology , Middle Aged
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e0061, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019602


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the orofacial functions and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). This case-control study included patients with UCLP matched by sex and age with controls (children without UCLP), resulting in the inclusion of a total of 108 eight- to ten-year-old children. Orofacial functions and OHRQoL were evaluated using the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) and the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ 8-1 0 ), respectively. Data normality was assessed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Differences and correlations in NOT-S and CPQ 8-1 0 scores between and within the groups were evaluated using Mann-Whitney and Spearman´s correlation tests, respectively. The distribution of NOT-S and global ratings of CPQ 8-1 0 for each group were assessed by Chi-squared/Fisher's Exact tests. The UCLP group had a higher NOT-S total and examination scores than the controls. Dysfunctions related to breathing, facial symmetry/expression, and speech were more frequent in the UCLP patients than in the controls. The UCLP group had higher scores on the social well-being domain than the controls. There was a significant difference between the groups in their ratings in regards to the extent to which their oral condition affected their life overall, with controls perceiving it as somewhat better than patients. In both groups, NOT-S total and interview scores were positively correlated with CPQ 8-1 0 total and domain scores. The NOT-S examination score was only significantly correlated with social domain scores in the control group. The presence of UCLP was associated with clinical signs of orofacial dysfunctions related to breathing, facial symmetry/expression, and speech. Children with UCLP reported more orofacial dysfunctions and negative impacts on social well-being than controls.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Quality of Life , Cleft Lip/physiopathology , Cleft Palate/physiopathology , Face/physiopathology , Mouth/physiopathology , Case-Control Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , Deglutition/physiology , Disability Evaluation , Facial Asymmetry/physiopathology , Mastication/physiology